Pearl Xie

Working Remotely - Monday & Friday
Working in Office - Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
2020 Torgersen Hall
University Mail Code 0158
Degree (s):
- Philosophy of Doctor, Special English – University of Kansas
- Master of Arts, Educational Leadership – Rider University (Graduate with honors)
- Master of Arts, English Language & English Education – East China Normal University
- Bachelor of Arts, Dual majors in English and Journalism – Sichuan International Studies University (Graduate with honors)
My background as a teacher in diverse classroom settings has always inspired my course design and delivery. Having taught and designed within inclusive learning environments for thirteen years, I have worked with students of diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and/or socioeconomic backgrounds in K-16 settings. I have experience teaching and designing face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I am also proficient in preparing instructors (subject matter experts) to integrate emerging technology and evidence-based practices into their teaching at Truman State University, the University of Kansas (KU), the University of Missouri (UM) system, and VT. In the previous job as a senior instructional designer in the UM System, I provided substantial support in adopting a systematic and comprehensive continuous quality assurance process from 2020 to 2022. Leading faculty professional development events, course design, and course improvement processes in accordance with accreditation standards was a part of this role. In my current position at VT, I support and promote inclusive, universally designed, and accessible learning experiences. I co-chair the UDL higher education network to connect and support educators and expand the UDL higher education community. I develop and facilitate Quality Matter’s Accessibility and Usability Resource Site to promote inclusive education.
Awards, Honors and Certifications:
- Best Presentation Award at 2024 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education in Tokyo, Japan
- 2024 Sally Bohland Award for Innovative Service. Universal Design for Learning Fellows program received this award for enhancing our campus environment, enabling students with disabilities to reach their full potential at Virginia Tech
- Teaching Innovation Award from Provost’s Office at Virginia Tech AY 2024-2025, Universal Design for Learning Innovation Group Phase 3 award, $25,000
- Teaching Excellence Award at Virginia Tech 2023
- Teaching Innovation Award from Provost’s Office at Virginia Tech AY 2023-2024, Universal Design for Learning Innovation Group Phase 2 award, $25,000
- High-Impact Project Grant award, Design an accessible course through a project-based approach to improve computational thinking and skills for architecture, engineering, and construction students at Virginia Tech 2023, $4,600
- 4-VA Collaborative Research Award 2022, Co-PI: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT)-supported Construction Pollution Monitoring and Diagnosis, $21,600
- Dissertation Research Award from Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity at the University of Kansas in 2018
- Outstanding paper awards in E-learning, AACE, in 2015
- Excellent Young Professor in private universities in Shanghai in 2012
- Graduate Student Scholarship at the University of Kansas annually from 2013 to 2018
- The second prize in the National Senior High School's Mathematics Olympics Competition in China in 1997Professional Interests:
I'm passionate about creating high-quality transformative, accessible, and inclusive online/hybrid learning experiences for faculty, staff, and students. I’m passionate about helping faculty, staff, students, and the communities where we live and work.