Dan Yaffe

Working Remotely - Monday & Friday
Working in Office - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
801 University City Blvd, Suite 21; Office 2118
Blacksburg, VA 24060
University Mail Code 0292
- BA Economics and Philosophy, Lebanon Valley College
- MA ED. Adult Education and Communication Technology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
My experience in background before coming to Virginia Tech has been in insurance and banking and corporate training. While in a managerial role I realized I enjoyed the corporate training aspect a lot more than the sales aspect of my job. I was able to transition into a corporate training job and decided to purse a masters degree in Adult Education and Communications Technology. While in this masters I had an advisor that obtained a PHD in Instructional Design from Virginia Tech and they encouraged me to take a look at the program. This is how I came to VT. Once at VT I was lucky to obtain a GA position with TLOS which lead to a job opportunity with in TLOS. I have been Network Learning Initiative Fellow, Instructional Technologist and Curriculum Coordinator, Learning Technology Specialist and now the Director of Learning Technology Support.
Awards, Honors and Certifications:
- VT IT Spot Award
- VT IT Enabling the Future Award
- Educause- Learning Technology Leaders Institute Certificate
- Simon LearnLab (Certificate)
- Zoom Education Ambassador
Professional Interests:
A/V for education, Maker-spaces, Education technology, Student engagement and self efficacy, Lifelong Learning, The science of learning, The art of teaching.