Marc Zaldivar

Blacksburg, VA 24060
University Mail Code 0292
Marc has a Ph.D (2008) in Instructional Design and Technology from Virginia Tech and a M.A. (2003) in English from Virginia Tech.
I taught English courses for 10 years, and also worked simultaneously in the Writing Center, culminating in 2 years as the Director of the Virginia Tech Writing Center. As I began my Ph.D. program, I soon began working in what was Learning Technologies at the time, supporting what was the Faculty Development Institute (which is now the Professional Development Network). After completing my Ph.D., I worked with LT, which became TLOS, on ePortfolios, authentic assessment, and other instructional-design-related activities. Currently, I have returned to my "roots" in the Professional Development Network, helping faculty at Virginia Tech continually improve.
Awards or Honors:
Joyce Gentry Smoot Teaching Excellence Award (VT Department of English, 2000) XCaliber Award (TLOS, 2011) Sakai Teaching with Scholar (Sakai Foundation, 2012).
Professional Interests:
ePortfolios, student-centered learning, evidence-based learning, authentic assessment, professional development, digital credentials and badges, language and linguistics, rhetoric and composition.
Personal Information:
I have four kids and four cats. I used to read a lot. I do enjoy all the activities -- sports and hiking and all that -- with the family. We cook a lot as a group -- with friends over, we often feed 10-12 on any given night, so we've gotten good at the bulk cooking! Everybody eats when they come to my house...
Personal Interests:
Speculative fiction of all kinds -- games of many shapes and sizes -- good oral stories.