Welcome to TLOS

Quality Online Teaching
Good teaching can happen in any course modality, but moving to an online environment requires intentional planning. Our team of learning technologies specialists and instructional designers have prepared some helpful guidelines to help you achieve the same learning outcomes online as in a face-to-face course.
Learning, Reimagined
Find out how technology-rich learning environments and learning experiences can help you improve student learning. We are TLOS, Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies, and we are here to help you learn the tools and techniques you need to innovate in your classroom.
General ItemRethink Your Curriculum
Our instructional design team is dedicated to redesigning and improving courses with the latest approaches to technology in the classroom. We work with you on updating your course materials to reflect the most advanced digital teaching methods.
Home ItemFlex Your Technology Muscles , home
Our Professional Development Network (PDN) group collaborates with partners from across the university to provide a wide array of professional development opportunities, including workshops, certificates, faculty inquiry groups, and learning communities relevant to your needs.
Home ItemContinuity of Instruction , home
Need to move your class online or cancel a class due to illness, conference travel, or weather? Our team of learning technologies specialists and instructional designers have prepared some helpful tips on leveraging some simple technologies to keep your class on schedule when you can’t meet in person.
Home ItemUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) , home
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a social justice conceptual framework that aims to address diverse learning needs and ensure equal access to learning opportunities. UDL aims to remove learning barriers in curriculum design and emphasizes flexibility that attempts to accommodate all learners to access content and demonstrate their learning.
We organize workshops and faculty groups to promote best practices and explore emerging trends in digital pedagogy.
We offer a variety of spaces, services, and technologies for faculty and staff in support of teaching and learning.
We are always seeking new faculty partners to discover and develop innovative approaches to technology-enhanced learning.
Looking for something else?
We are happy to answer questions regarding our services, learning communities, and partnership opportunities. Please contact us to share your feedback, request additional information, or start a conversation about something you don’t see covered here.
Upcoming Events
April 1, 2025 - 24-hour Challenge
Fix Your Content Day
This is no April Fool’s joke—Virginia Tech needs your help to tackle a real challenge on April 1! As part of Accessibility Awareness Week (March 31 to April 5), we’re launching a “Fix Your Content Day” Instructor Challenge to make images in Canvas more accessible. Learn how you can participate.
April 11, 2025
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Day
This in-person professional learning event will focus on integrating inclusive design, pedagogy, and technology to support diverse learning needs across multiple disciplines at Virginia Tech. Participants will learn strategies and best practices that they can leverage to reduce educational barriers and foster student engagement and success. TLOS Accessible Technologies is planning this event for the spring semester 2025. Learn more and register.