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Instructional Design & Course Development

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Instructional Design & Course Development

Individual and Group Consultations

TLOS offers individual and group consultations around instructional design and course development in various online and flexible learning environments. Consultations are arranged with an instructional designer, multimedia content developer, instructional technologist, or other TLOS specialist. (Computer Refresh participants receive PDN credit.)

Canvas Course Development Consultation

Designing and developing content and strategies for teaching with Canvas LMS. These are arranged with an instructional designer. This will allow faculty to build upon the tools/features/functions training provided by student consultants and follow up on the Professional Development Network (PDN) sessions focused on the transition to Canvas.

Canvas Course Development Group Consultation

Focused on best practices and strategies for the Canvas LMS, these group sessions provide open consultation and discussion with instuctional designer, templates for various course components, job aids and access to modules as follow up. Participants are also encouraged to continue with individual consultation. If enrollment warrants, these consultation sessions can also be focused on a specific learning environment (online, blended, flipped, traditional classroom). This option allows groups of faculty to learn with and from each other in group discussions. (Computer Refresh participants receive PDN credit.)

Faculty Inquiry Groups

These longer than one-off workshop engagements, facilitated by PDN,  are formed to explore technologies and strategies to enhance teaching and learning practices. Faculty-led discussion is framed around faculty experiences and group identified strategies for practical recommendations. Participants share insights and classroom best practices, discuss challenges, and design a variety of instructional materials for their respective classes.