Turnitin Feedback Studio
Turnitin Feedback Studio
Turnitin Feedback Studio makes it easier to address plagiarism and improve student writing. The Similarity Report quickly identifies unoriginal or improperly cited student writing by highlighting similarities to the world’s largest collection of internet, academic, and student paper content. When allowed by instructors, students can submit drafts and use the feedback report to make corrections and improve their writing.
Plagiarism detection: Turnitin compares submitted assignments against its extensive database of internet sources, academic papers, and journals to identify potential plagiarism. Instructors receive a similarity report for each submission, which highlights matched text and provides a similarity score.
Originality report settings: Instructors can customize the settings of the originality report to exclude quotes, bibliography, and small matches (by word count or percentage), which helps in focusing on significant matches and reducing false positives.
Multiple submission attempts: Instructors can allow multiple submission attempts, enabling students to submit drafts and use the originality report to improve their work before the final submission.
Originality check: Students can submit their assignments to Turnitin via Canvas and receive an originality report (if this feature is enabled by the instructor). This report helps them understand how much of their work matches external sources and can guide them in properly citing and referencing material.
Draft submissions: When allowed by instructors, students can submit drafts to Turnitin and receive feedback on their originality score. This helps students learn from their mistakes and improve their writing skills before submitting their final work.
Accessibility: Turnitin within Canvas is designed to be accessible, allowing students to easily submit assignments and access reports and feedback.
Not ideal to use for evaluating creative writing.
If not properly set up, Turnitin might not be ideal for draft submissions where students are expected to make multiple submissions for formative feedback. Students could be discouraged by preliminary similarity scores or technical issues with resubmissions.
Focusing too heavily on similarity scores can overlook the pedagogical aspects of teaching academic integrity and writing skills. It may also stress students over technicalities rather than learning from their mistakes.
Enable Turnitin for written assignments: Set up Turnitin submissions for papers, essays, reports, etc. Students can submit work directly to Turnitin through Canvas.
Use Turnitin to check for plagiarism and originality: Turnitin compares student submissions against its database and internet sources.
Set up Turnitin’s filters and settings: Adjust filters for quoted, bibliographic, and small matches. Exclude specific sources or set a maximum percentage allowed.
Require students to view originality reports before final submission: Students can revise their work before turning it in for a grade.
NVDA and JAWS screen reader support on Windows for Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.
VoiceOver support on macOS for Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers.
Only partial keyboard accessibility support across supported browsers on Windows and macOS. This means that keyboard-only computer users cannot fully navigate all features within the tool.
Student submission papers (text or other formats) are converted into an image in Turnitin. These images do not include alternative text, which may present challenges for screen reader users.
General Information
You can only access Turnitin Plagiarism Framework if your instructor creates a Turnitin Plagiarism Framework assignment and lets you access the Similarity Report.
You submit assignments using Plagiarism Framework the same way as any other Canvas assignment.

Cost: Free
Status: Available
How to Access
Instructor: Creating New Assignments in Plagiarism Framework
Student: Accessing Similarity Reports
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