Aaron Bond

Blacksburg, VA 24060
University Mail Code 0292
B.A. in History from Mary Baldwin College, a M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies from Fort Hayes State University, an Ed. S. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Virginia, and a Ph. D. from Virginia Tech in Curriculum and Instruction.
Aaron Bond, Ph. D. has worked in the field of instructional technology, distance education, and professional development for more than 20 years. He has served as a corporate trainer, face-to-face classroom instructor, an online instructor, and as a secondary principal. Currently he serves as the Senior Director for Learning Services in Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies at Virginia Tech where he oversees faculty professional development, learning technologies, and instructional design.
Awards, Honors and Certifications:
- (2021) Received Systems Thinking and Change Leader Award from Association of Educational Communication and Technology.
- (2020) Received AECT's Annual Achievement Award for participation with a group of scholars to write an article for EDUCAUSE Review “The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning.”
- (2019) Received Distinguished Service Award for work in the Systems Thinking and Change Division of AECT and a Special Service Award for Leadership Development in AECT.
- (2015) AECT/IAP Crystal Award for Outstanding Practice for Non-Credit Online Learning Object
- (2012) Honorable Mention: International Teaching with Sakai Award
Professional Interests:
He is past president of the Systems Thinking and Change division in AECT and serves on the board of directors for Blue Ridge Literacy. His research includes faculty professional development, authentic learning experiences, communities of practice, socio-cognitive factors on learning, and distance learning.