Aaron Geller

1040 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg VA 24061
Aaron Geller is an Advanced Instructor in the Chemistry Department. He began teaching Analytical Chemistry Lecture and Lab (CHEM 2114 and 2124) in the Fall of 2017 but has since expanded to teaching General Chemistry (CHEM 1035) and Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences I and II (CHEM 4615 and 4616). He began working with TLOS after a successful online transition throughout Spring 2020 to Spring 2021 which focused on the development of high-quality lecture videos. His online work led to two campus-wide honors: “Outstanding Remote Teaching” (TLOS, Summer 2020) and an “Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award” (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Spring 2021).
He can also be found throughout the NRV and Roanoke areas playing guitar in a variety of bands.