Computer Showcase
Computer Refresh Showcase
The Computer Refresh Showcase will be held on December 12, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This event is open to faculty, staff, and graduate students. Register to attend in person or virtually. Light refreshments and lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.
Participants can earn up to six Professional Development Network (PDN) credits for attending.
Keynote: The Educator-Student Partnership–Defining Roles in Higher Education
In this presentation, Michael Enz will explore the roles that both educators and students play in higher education and how they differ from secondary education. We will discuss strategies to create a supportive and respectful relationship between educators and students that emphasizes engagement, accountability, communication, and feedback.
Michael Enz is the director of professional development for the Virginia Tech Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. In this role, he helps foster the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of learner-centered instruction, supports the scholarship of teaching and learning, and advocates for a learning environment that values educating the whole student. Before joining Virginia Tech, he taught economics for 25 years in Oregon, Massachusetts, and Virginia. His research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning and has several journal articles on implementing the science of learning.

Michael Enz, Ph.D.
11 a.m. to Noon
All Day
Computer Vendor Showcase
Room 2116 - Microsoft
Room 2126 - Dell
Rooms 2138/2140 - Lenovo
Outside Room 2128 - Apple
EDUCAUSE Survey & Computer Ordering
Facilitator: Nikki Edwards
Partner Alley
Outside the POD
Partners from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Accessible Technologies will be available for consultations.
9 to 9:30 a.m.
Refreshments and Networking
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. - Concurrent Sessions
Teaching without Barriers: ADA Title II and Practical Accessibility Strategies
Room 2104
Facilitators: S.B. Chandler and Mark Nichols
Discover how to create an inclusive learning environment that aligns with ADA Title II regulations. This engaging presentation will demystify the key principles of ADA Title II, focusing on its impact across Virginia Tech. Gain practical strategies to design accessible educational materials that cater to diverse student needs, including those with disabilities. Through real-world examples and actionable tips, you’ll leave equipped to ensure your teaching practices promote equity and accessibility for all learners.
Project-based Learning through Immersive Collaborative Design
Room 2102
Facilitators: Tianzhi He and Farrokh Jazizadeh
In the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitates the creation of information-rich virtual prototypes for infrastructure projects such as buildings and bridges. BIM supports the development of 3D models that serve diverse applications throughout a project's life cycle, including design exploration, planning and coordination (e.g., constructability analysis, sequencing, and documentation), cost management, and performance evaluation (e.g., life cycle and energy assessments). The core skills that students need for these applications include software proficiency, spatial awareness for translating concepts on paper and drawings into intelligent 3D models, and teamwork for effective collaboration. To develop these competencies, in a graduate BIM course, we employ student-centered methods, including problem-based learning supported by flipped classroom delivery, peer teaching, and interactive lectures. The course features a semester-long project alongside smaller problem-solving tasks, enabling students to apply their skills in realistic scenarios. In this project, team members represent different AEC trades and conduct two stages of collaborative virtual walkthroughs to evaluate and refine their designs of a mid-sized campus building. This approach mirrors the AEC industry's need for technologies that enhance communication among stakeholders—designers, contractors, and owners—to improve productivity, minimize waste, and reduce rework. In this presentation, we discuss the pedagogical methods, the use of advanced technologies that facilitate those methods, and students’ experiences.
Apple - Showcasing the Latest Tools and Technologies
Outside Room 2128
11 a.m. to Noon - Keynote
The Educator-Student Partnership: Defining Roles in Higher Education
Room 2104 & 2102
Facilitator: Michael Enz
In this presentation, we will explore the roles that both educators and students play in higher education and how they differ from secondary education. We will discuss strategies to create a supportive and respectful relationship between educators and students that emphasizes engagement, accountability, communication, and feedback.
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
1 to 2 p.m. - Concurrent Sessions
Don’t Be Scared of AI
Room 2104
Facilitators: Julia Feerrar, Brooke McGowin, and Kayla McNabb
In this workshop, we’ll explore why there’s no need to fear AI by discovering what it can and can’t do. Through activities and discussions, we’ll look at how AI works and how it can help us in our daily lives, as well as ethical considerations for its use. By the end, you’ll feel more comfortable with AI and understand why it may deserve our skepticism or caution, but not our fear.
Interactive Teaching with Technology: Engage Your Students Like Never Before
Room 2102
Facilitators: De Harman and Dan Yaffe
Ready to spice up your course presentations or student interactions? This session is designed to help faculty feel confident using engaging educational technologies.
Microsoft - Showcasing the Latest Tools and Technologies
Room 2116
2:15 to 2:45 p.m. - Concurrent Sessions
Generative AI as a Course Design Assistant
Room 2104
Facilitators: Aaron Bond, Ginny Clark, and Daron Williams
Even for experienced professors, building a course can be a challenge. Between meeting program & professional requirements, updating materials, and engaging students, expectations are high. It’s hard—but doesn’t have to be. Join us for a practical session to explore how generative AI can help you design or improve your course.
Canvas State of the Union
Room 2102
Facilitator: Danielle Thacker
Learning Technologies Specialist Danielle Thacker will share new Canvas features, expected updates, and what's on the roadmap for the future. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and ask questions.
Dell - Showcasing the Latest Tools and Technologies
Room 2126
3 to 4 p.m. - Concurrent Sessions
Capturing Moments of Learning: Digital Microcredentials at Virginia Tech
Room 2104
Facilitators: Amanda MacDonald and Marc Zaldivar
Digital badges and microcredentials are gaining momentum as a useful way to track and reward students for different forms of learning at Virginia Tech that are not traditionally captured on an official transcript. If your learning goals are complex or need to be tracked over time, this tool might be for you! This session will provide an overview of the Virginia Tech Badge Platform and several examples of microcredentials in use and development at Virginia Tech.
TLOS Flexible Teaching Fellows Faculty Panel
Room 2102
Facilitator: Daron Williams
Panelists: Bobbi Conner, Virginia Edwards, Jennifer Jones, and Dana Robertson
Curious about teaching in online/flexible environments? Ever wonder whether training in quality technology-enhanced teaching can positively impact even your face-to-face classroom (spoiler: it can!)? Join some of our Flexible Teaching Fellows for an informal discussion of how their time in our program has impacted their teaching practice.
Lenovo - Showcasing the Latest Tools and Technologies
Rooms 2138/2140
If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact the TLOS Professional Development Network at 540-231-8993 or during regular business hours at least five business days prior to the event.
Showcase Details
December 12, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
TLOS Offices
801 University City Blvd, Suite 21
Blacksburg, VA 24061