UDL Day Schedule
UDL Day Schedule
8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Morning Refreshments & Welcome
Presenter: Michele Deramo, Associate Vice President for Education and Engagement in the Office for Inclusive Strategy and Excellence
9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Keynote: Essential for Some, Helpful for All
Presenter: Luis Perez, Ph.D., CPWA, Director of Disability and Accessibility at CAST
As a disabled person/person with a disability, Dr. Luis Perez knows firsthand the impact the power of Universal Design for Learning and accessible educational materials as tools for empowerment that allow every learner to realize their full potential and be prepared for lifelong learning. In addition to sharing his personal journey as a learner who has benefited from advancements in technology, Perez will share some insights from the learning sciences that challenge all educators to think differently about ability and disability. These insights will include the latest updates to the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines, pioneered at CAST, as a framework for designing barrier-free learning experiences.
10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Morning break
10:45 to 11:45 a.m. Workshop: SLIDE into Accessibility – Five Best Practices for Getting Started
Presenter: Luis Perez, Ph.D., CPWA, Director of Disability and Accessibility at CAST
Building on the ideas discussed during the keynote, this interactive session will provide an entry point into the creation of accessible content. The workshop is especially for those who are new to this topic of creating accessible documents or who wish to have more hands-on practice with implementing accessibility best practices using tools such as Microsoft Office and/or Google Workspace. Participants will learn about five practices that can have a significant impact on the learner experience for all students, especially those who rely on assistive technology for their access to the curriculum.
11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. AI-Powered Accessibility: Improving Course Design for All Learners in Large Enrollment Classes
Pearl Xie, Director of Universal Design for Learning & Accessibility Services, TLOS
Kimberly Loeffert, Assistant Professor, School of Performing Arts
Donna Fortune, Associate Professor, School of Education
Amy Allen, Assistant Professor, School of Education
Cindy Yi, Professor, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) & Director of Multifunctional Integrated Circuits & Systems (MICS)
Speakers will showcase AI-driven tools that improve accessibility, such as auto-captioning, real-time translation, and text simplification. This workshop will highlight how AI can generate accessible materials to reduce cognitive load, including alt-text for images and summarized content, and demonstrate AI-enhanced learning management system (LMS) features that support inclusive teaching.
12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Lunch break (Lunch is provided)
1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Faculty Panel Discussion on Strategies for Facilitating Student Conversations and Dialogue in and out of the Classroom
Michele Deramo, Associate Vice President for Education and Engagement in the Office for Inclusive Strategy and Excellence
Stephen Biscotte, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Buddy Howell, Advanced Instructor, School of Communication
Laura Hungerford, Department Head, Population Health Sciences & Professor, Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
Christine Labuski, Associate Professor & Associate Director of ASPECT Department of Science, Technology, and Society
Lisa Belden, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
In this session, the co-facilitators will facilitate a faculty panel discussion on engaging students in and out of the classroom. Faculty will introduce strategies they leverage to get students in their classes reflecting on and discussing relevant topics in the field, particularly from a variety of perspectives, and utilizing technology where appropriate. Next, the panel will respond to and come into dialogue with the attendees’ questions and own suggestions and strategies for sustaining respectful and ongoing dialogue as part of the learning process.
2:15 to 2:30 p.m. Afternoon Break & Snacks
2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Faculty Panel Discussion on Academic Accommodations in Teaching Large Enrollment Courses
Christa Miller, Associate Director, Services for Students with Disabilities
Kelli Karcher, Director for Undergraduate Academics and Inclusive Innovation, Math Instructor
Greg Tew, Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture
Nicole Pitterson, Associate Professor & Assistant Department Head for Undergraduate Programs, Department of Engineering Education
Ruichuan Zhang, Assistant Professor of Construction Engineering and Management, Myers-Lawson School of Construction
Managing academic accommodations in large enrollment courses requires intentional design, clear communication, and scalable solutions. In this panel discussion, instructors will address common challenges and share best practices for providing accommodations while preserving course structure and instructional quality. Panelists will offer insights on coordinating with campus resources, utilizing technology to streamline processes, and balancing flexibility with course expectations.
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Working Session
During this working session, participants will have the opportunity to practice digital accessibility strategies and leverage technology tools for integrating UDL principles into their course design for ADA compliance. Members from the TLOS Accessible Technology team, TLOS Instructional Design team, Accessible Materials Coordinator from Services for Students with Disabilities and UDL faculty fellows will be available to answer questions and guide efforts in creating more flexible and accessible content while maintaining instructional effectiveness. Don’t forget to bring your laptop!
4:30 p.m. Closing
If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please make your request on the event registration form. Submit questions, concerns, or requests for more information to tlos@vt.edu.