Considering Generative AI at Virginia Tech
Considering Generative AI at Virginia Tech
In the past two years, generative artificial intelligence (often referred to as “generative AI” or “gen AI”) has become a mainstream technology and captured the attention of educators. Some see generative AI as a threat to higher education, while others view it as a positive force that will revolutionize the way faculty teach and students learn. Emerging technologies often produce polarized reactions, but in the midst of these competing and conflicting perspectives, TLOS recommends a measured approach. Faculty members in all disciplines need to understand how generative AI tools work, consider how they might enhance the student learning experience, recognize the potential risks associated with these tools, and establish carefully considered course policies to ensure they are used in pedagogically sound ways.
The guidance and linked resources on this page are designed to help you make informed decisions about generative AI use in your courses. Because these tools are constantly evolving, TLOS will continue to monitor the generative AI landscape and revise our guidance to reflect current best practices and university policies.
What is generative AI?
Generative AI describes an array of technologies that are capable of creating new text, images, code, audio, video, or other content. These technologies, which have been trained using vast collections of existing data, can generate unique, human-like responses to user-authored prompts. For instance, text-centric generative AI tools draw on large language models (LLMs) to answer questions, write essays or articles, create lesson plans, and much more. For each generative AI tool, the content creation process is shaped by the tool’s training data, the user’s prompt, and rules or parameters encoded in the tool.
Why does generative AI matter in my courses?
Generative AI tools are becoming increasingly influential across many industries, making it important for students to understand how to use these tools within their specific fields of study. Students can leverage generative AI to explore new concepts, reinforce what they are learning in the classroom, and strengthen their study habits. For instructors, generative AI can assist with course design, inspire new learning activities, and streamline administrative tasks.
However, these tools also have the potential to disrupt the learning process, diminish trust in the originality and authenticity of student work, and undermine instructors’ efforts to create rigorous and enriching learning environments.
The true impact of these technologies remains to be seen. Generative AI is not likely to cause the end of higher education, and it is not likely to be the panacea some expect it to be. Interrogating the risks and opportunities of these tools in different disciplines and types of courses (course size, format, delivery modality, etc.) is key to finding ways to leverage their power while limiting their misuse. As you decide how to apply and constrain these tools in your courses, strive for a nuanced approach and stay engaged in disciplinary conversations about the role of generative AI in your field.
1. Become familiar with generative AI tools.
- Review the resources below for some basic introductions to generative AI and its implications for teaching and learning
- Attend a workshop or forum discussion on the topic.
- Consult with TLOS, CETL, the Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity, and the University Libraries regarding your specific circumstances.
- At Virginia Tech, the only generative AI tool currently licensed and approved for use by all faculty, staff, and students is Microsoft Copilot in Bing. Virginia Tech affiliates can access this tool by signing into Bing with their VT email address.
2. Consider the Honor Code and its applicability to generative AI tools.
- The Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity offers the following guidance: While most students largely engage in honest behavior in the classroom, some may choose to use tools such as ChatGPT to engage in academic dishonesty. Please continue to be clear in your expectations with your student related to the Undergraduate Honor Code and the use of AI software just as you would other websites that may provide students with means to engage in academic dishonesty. The unauthorized use of ChatGPT and other AI software may fall under several definitions of academic dishonesty in the Undergraduate Honor Code. If you believe that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity at 540-231-9876 or email the office at Graduate Honor System; at 540-231-9564;
3. Avoid being drawn into a confrontational mindset regarding these tools.
- Given the obvious implications of generative AI for academic integrity, several companies are developing and promoting tools designed to detect generative AI use in the creation of text, images, or other content. Although these tools may provide some perspective on whether or not student submissions were created with AI, they will never be 100% accurate, and several studies have demonstrated that they can generate both “false positives” and “false negatives” when attempting to detect AI-created content, especially when applied to the work of non-native English speakers. Reports from AI detection tools may inform your conversations with students regarding inappropriate use of generative AI, but relying solely on detection tools to “catch” someone using AI is likely to lead to ineffective and stressful interactions with students.
- Due to these concerns, Virginia Tech has not licensed or endorsed any specific platforms for detecting generative AI, and TLOS recommends caution when using these tools. Any content uploaded to an AI detection tool should be stripped of all personally identifiable information (PII).
4. Set clear expectations for your students regarding the use of generative AI.
- Appropriate and inappropriate uses of generative AI vary from course to course (and may even vary among assignments and activities within a single course), so students need clear, context-specific guidance they can confidently apply in each setting. Do not assume that students have previously received instructions that match your expectations, and do not wait for last-minute or after-the-fact questions from your students. Instead, establish and communicate guidelines early in the semester and reiterate (or customize) those guidelines when introducing new assignments or activities.
- If you choose to implement restrictions on the use of generative AI in your courses, directly address your rationale for these restrictions. When students understand the pedagogical reasons behind course policies, they will be more likely to accept specific guidelines.
- Regularly update your syllabus and other course documentation to directly address generative AI and reflect your current expectations. (See syllabus and course policy resources below.)
5. Explore potential changes to your course design and/or assessment strategies.
- Consider incorporating course assessment practices aligned with principles of authentic assessment, such as seeking to replicate professional experiences, expecting a task-focused demonstration of understanding, and providing opportunities for practice with feedback. (See authentic assessment resources below.)
- Consider allowing multiple options for action and expression in your assessments. This is a principle of Universal Design for Learning that suggests students be allowed to select from various methods and technologies to showcase their understanding and support their learning.
- Proactively incorporate generative AI into your instructional strategy, inviting students to use these tools to spark creativity, or to test and evaluate the accuracy of their output. (See guides for teaching below.)
Additional Resources on Generative AI
Technical Introductions to Generative AI
- A Generative AI Primer, by Michael Webb
- Understanding AI, by Timothy B. Lee
- AI: A Guide for Thinking Humans, by Melanie Mitchell
- Prompt Engineering Guide
- Explore generative AI with Copilot in Bing (Microsoft training module)
Guides for Teaching with and about Generative AI
- Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning, by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson (Johns Hopkins University Press)
- 101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education, edited by Chrissi Nerantzi, et al.
- AI + Education = Simplified, by Lance Eaton
- One Useful Thing, by Ethan Mollick
- Teaching Students to Write with AI: The SPACE Framework, by Glenn Kleiman
Virginia Tech Honor Code
Virginia Tech Graduate Honor System
More Information on Authentic Assessment
- Teaching Resources - Assessing Student Learning - Authentic Assessment (Indiana University)
- Authentic Assessment Toolbox (John Mueller)
Resources for Syllabus and Course Policy Statements:
Want to join the conversation?
Faculty can join the conversation by submitting the GenAI community list interest form. List members will receive periodic invitations for meetups, and updates on resources and workshops.