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Acceptable Use of Virginia Tech Video Platforms

Users of Virginia Tech’s Zoom, Kaltura, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and all other sponsored platforms are reminded to follow the policy on Acceptable Use of Computer and Communication Systems (Policy No. 7000) and the Acceptable Use Standard when planning meetings or sharing video recordings.

The Acceptable Use Standard states that users must not:

  • use university systems for commercial or partisan political purposes, such as using electronic mail to circulate advertising for products or for political candidates.
  • use the university's systems or networks for personal gain; for example, by selling access to your user name or to university systems or networks, or by performing work for profit with university resources in a manner not authorized by the university.

The use of Virginia Tech’s video platforms for professional service, research, and other related purposes is allowed. In addition, personal use, as defined by Commonwealth of Virginia policy, is allowed as long as it does not interfere with the user’s productivity or work performance and does not interfere with any other employee’s productivity or work performance. Recognized student organizations are encouraged to hold virtual meetings and can access university resources for mission-driven purposes, regardless of the possible inclusion of political content.

If you have questions about Policy No. 7000 or the Acceptable Use Standard, please contact 4Help online at, or by phone at 540-231-4357.